circular-sclist/popcorn [ Classes ]

[ Top ] [ circular-sclist ] [ Classes ]



 File:             popcorn.lsp

 Class Hierarchy:  named-object -> linked-named-object -> sclist -> 
                   circular-sclist -> popcorn

 Version:          1.1.0

 Project:          slippery chicken (algorithmic composition)

 Purpose:          Inspired by popping popcorn, generate a series of values
                   ranging between > 0.0 and <= 1.0 by (optionally fixed)
                   random selection.  Given 1 or more starting values (not
                   zero) we generate tendentially increasing new values
                   until we reach 1.0.  This is not a linear process,
                   rather, we get spike values that increase the average
                   value and thus increase the chance of further spikes.

 Author:           Michael Edwards:

 Creation date:    3rd February 2011 (Ko Lanta, Thailand)

 $$ Last modified:  08:04:31 Tue Feb 21 2023 CET

 SVN ID: $Id$

popcorn/fit-to-length [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ popcorn ] [ Methods ]


 Change the length of the list of kernels contained in a given popcorn
 object by adding or removing items at regular intervals. If adding items,
 linear interpolation will be used.

 NB: The new length must be between 1 and 1 less than double the original


 - A popcorn object.
 - An integer that is the new length of the list of the KERNELS slot of the
   given popcorn object.


 Returns the integer that is the new length of the KERNELS slot.


(let ((ppcn (make-popcorn '(0.01 0.02) :min-spike 3.0 :max-spike 5.0)))
  (fit-to-length ppcn 100))

=> 100


(defmethod fit-to-length ((pc popcorn) length)

popcorn/get-kernel [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ popcorn ] [ Methods ]


 Generate the next value for the KERNELS slot of a given popcorn object and
 change the internal state, with the help of the get-kernel-aux method.

 This method is called automatically from within the heat method.


 - A popcorn object.


 The next value for the given popcorn object's KERNEL slot. 
 Returns NIL when the kernel value is > 1.0.


(defmethod get-kernel ((pc popcorn))

popcorn/heat [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ popcorn ] [ Methods ]


 Generate a series of values for the KERNELS slot of a popcorn object,
 ranging between >0.0 and <= 1.0, by (optionally fixed) random selection.
 If calling heat explicitly on a previously heated object, all kernels and
 associated data will be deleted before being regenerated. 

 Taking the one or more starting values of the popcorn object, the method
 generates tendentially increasing new values until it reaches 1.0. This is
 not a linear process; rather, the method produces spike values based on the
 min-spike and max-spike values of the given popcorn object that increase
 the average value and thus increase the chance of further spikes.

 NB: This method is called within the initialize-instance for the popcorn
     object, and as such is not necessarily needed to be accessed directly
     by the user.


 - An popcorn object.


 Returns the popcorn object with a newly generated list of 'kernel' values. 


(let ((ppcn (make-popcorn '(0.01 0.02) :min-spike 3.0 :max-spike 5.0)))
  (print ppcn)
  (setf (min-spike ppcn) 4.0)
  (heat ppcn))
POPCORN: kernels: (0.01 0.02 0.016648924 0.018915312 0.016573396
                   0.017766343 0.018711153 0.017729789 0.017080924
                   0.018266398 0.018132625 0.019022772 0.017662765
POPCORN: kernels: (0.01 0.02 0.015828498 0.015408514 0.015781755 0.01670348
                   0.019892192 0.017849509 0.016623463 0.019682804 0.017869182
                   0.019521425 0.017451862 0.017689057 0.01758664 0.01863435


(defmethod heat ((pc popcorn))

popcorn/make-popcorn [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ popcorn ] [ Functions ]


 Make a popcorn object. This method uses the heat method internally to
 generate a series of decimal values ('kernels'), ranging between >0.0 and
 <= 1.0, by (optionally fixed) random selection.

 Taking the one or more starting values, the method generates tendentially
 increasing new values until it reaches 1.0. This is not a linear process;
 rather, the method produces spike values based on the min-spike and
 max-spike values specified, which increase the average value of the kernels
 generated so far and thus increase the chance of further spikes.


 - A list of at least two decimal numbers from which the 'kernel' values
   will be generated. These values must be >0.0 and <1.0.


 keyword arguments:
 - :id. An optional ID for the popcorn object to be created. Default = NIL. 
 - :fixed-random. T or NIL to indicate whether the 'kernel' values generated
   by the subsequent heat method are to be based on a fixed random seed. 
   T = fixed random. Default = T.
 - :max-spike. A decimal number that is the highest possible 'spike' value
   that the heat method may produce when generating the 'kernel'
   values. This is a sudden high value that will itself not be present in
   the final data, but will go towards skewing the mean, thus increasing the
   kernel values more rapidly and increasing the chance of more spikes
   occurring. Default = 4.0.
 - :min-spike. A decimal number that is the lowest possible 'spike' value
   that the heat method may produce when generating the 'kernel'
   values. This is a sudden high value that will itself not be present in
   the final data, but will go towards skewing the mean, thus increasing the
   kernel values more rapidly and increasing the chance of more spikes
   occurring. Default = 2.0.


 - A popcorn object.


(make-popcorn '(0.02 0.03) :max-spike 4.2 :min-spike 3.7)

POPCORN: kernels: (0.02 0.03 0.025828497 0.02540851 0.02578175 0.026703479
                   0.029892191 0.027849507 0.026623461 0.029682804 0.02786918
                   0.029521424 0.02745186 0.027689056 0.02758664 0.028634349
                   0.028176062 0.028434621 0.028410202 0.02834666 0.027676953
                   0.027972711 0.027877634 0.028453272 0.027664827 0.029336458
                   0.028315568 0.029327389 0.10877271 0.032779325 0.095442966
                   0.10383448 0.03631042 0.054371007 0.0775562 0.057371408
                   0.05496178 0.10499479 0.048501145 0.09311144 0.07531821
                   0.08538791 0.05866453 0.06692247 0.052130517 0.09605096
                   0.102914646 0.061326876 0.09510137 0.0927515 0.08405721
                   0.09921508 0.1054862 0.09474778 0.07701611 0.069283865
                   0.082345024 0.090727165 0.081423506 0.0918279 0.06942183
                   0.09431985 0.0790893 0.07795428 0.061114937 0.21615848
                   0.17666964 0.09314137 0.11025161 0.1909036 0.23906681
                   0.17467138 0.22562174 0.1757016 0.16630511 0.23570478
                   0.18461326 0.2358803 0.14396386 0.121555254 0.082086496
                   0.094552115 0.08456006 0.10379071 0.113467366 0.12590313
                   0.2211197 0.2096048 0.19645368 0.17204309 0.18469864
                   0.14422922 0.20209482 0.11207011 0.1176545 0.22522071
                   0.23593009 0.13767788 0.1589861 0.23501754 0.14337942
                   0.14403008 0.3852736 0.19077776 0.15493082 0.15311162
                   0.31107113 0.10612649 0.36018372 0.31991273 0.17881061
                   0.2653634 0.26506728 0.31478146 0.31331018 0.33569553
                   0.3001081 0.1574295 0.4698523 0.12513468 0.2010088
                   0.17438973 0.24960503 0.27139995 0.31985858 0.14607468
                   0.34586 0.52092844 0.5461051 0.33965456 0.24476483
                   0.45786726 0.23932996 0.18096672 0.5287333 0.45701692
                   0.58791053 0.5219719 0.39459002 0.56624746 0.37368405
                   0.21688993 0.3374743 0.6648663 0.44353223 0.16596928
                   0.3590309 0.17943183 0.673855 0.6455428 0.21892962
                   0.31195784 0.37920266 0.73120433 0.713979 0.5987564
                   0.29621923 0.5414667 0.64287895 0.56254905 0.514681
                   0.3153673 0.52838445 0.71745664 0.8074915 0.47637874
                   0.409207 0.49155992 0.777411 0.6339724 0.3673042 0.5411029
                   0.6993387 0.3566729 0.49429625 0.89963627 0.36773333
                   0.575006 0.74177176 0.53539884 0.4392826 0.45671058
                   0.2824728 0.60876155 0.2798523 0.47930354) 
total: 44.67911, numk: 186, mink: 0.02, maxk: 0.89963627
min-spike: 3.7, max-spike: 4.2, fixed-random: T, mean: 0.24021028
SCLIST: sclist-length: 2, bounds-alert: T, copy: T
LINKED-NAMED-OBJECT: previous: NIL, this: NIL, next: NIL
data: (0.02 0.03)


(defun make-popcorn (starting-values &key (id nil) (fixed-random t)
                     (max-spike 4.0) (min-spike 2.0))

popcorn/scale [ Methods ]

[ Top ] [ popcorn ] [ Methods ]


 Scale the list of number values in the KERNEL slot of a given popcorn
 object to a new range using specified maximum value and optional minimum

 NB: This method does not change the internal state of the given popcorn
     object except for the KERNELS slot.


 - A popcorn object.
 - A number that is the new maximum value for the scaled list.


 - A number that is the new minimum value for the scaled list.


 The new contents of the given popcorn object's KERNELS slot after scaling. 


;; Specifying a new maximum value only
(let ((ppcn (make-popcorn '(0.01 0.02) :min-spike 3.0 :max-spike 5.0)))
  (scale ppcn 10.0))

=> (0.0 0.10578585 0.061657257 0.057214428 0.061162785 0.070913345 0.10464539
    0.08303669 0.07006687 0.102430366 0.08324481 0.1007232 0.07883015
    0.08133934 0.0802559 0.09133919 0.08649117 0.08922634 0.08896804 0.08829583
    0.081211284 0.084339984 0.08333421 0.089423634 0.08108301 0.09876652
    0.08796693 0.09867058 0.6236897 0.1155461 0.5345579 0.59066933 0.13915743
    0.2599228 0.4149548 0.27998555 0.2638731 0.59842795 0.22067288 0.51896775
    0.39999005 0.467323 0.28863218 0.3438505 0.24494135 0.5386234 0.58451873
    0.30643454 0.53227377 0.516561 0.458425 0.55978096 0.60171384 0.52990943
    0.41134343 0.35964036 0.44697618 0.5030249 0.4408143 0.51038516 0.36056283
    0.527048 0.42520615 0.41761667 0.30501738 1.2049319 0.9747751 0.48793882
    0.5876642 1.0577364 0.3861802 0.8744062 1.1359217 0.87969404 0.8314643
    1.1876756 0.92543525 1.1885763 0.7167921 0.60177433 0.39919102 0.46317393
    0.4118872 0.5105933 0.56026125 0.62409085 1.112814 1.0537107 0.98620933
    0.86091584 0.92587364 0.71815413 1.0151639 0.5530894 0.5817527 1.1338633
    1.1888319 0.68452775 0.79389757 1.1841481 0.7137923 0.717132 2.3223429
    1.0770427 0.8475252 0.83587736 1.847246 0.53504527 2.1616995 1.9038564
    1.0004206 1.5545927 1.552697 1.8710022 1.861582 2.004909 1.7770531
    0.86352354 1.5642304 0.63962364 1.0099988 0.8800593 1.2472185 1.353609
    1.5901572 0.7418409 1.7170814 3.3055406 3.700319 2.1952631 1.5035022
    3.057052 1.4638814 1.0384043 1.1837897 3.0469408 2.803617 3.2614107
    2.4135168 3.556123 2.27436 1.2306889 2.0333362 4.5721135 2.941492 0.8966192
    2.3189502 0.9958008 4.344239 4.3671365 1.2785082 1.952021 2.438866
    4.3924103 4.46023 3.7118216 1.746746 3.3397071 3.9984121 3.4766433 3.165725
    1.8711188 3.2547336 4.482818 3.3188024 2.6877654 2.3054938 2.7741609
    3.796511 3.5835814 2.064381 3.0545063 3.9559705 2.0038147 2.7878509
    3.4762452 1.9495757 2.9715302 3.7937658 2.7762475 2.3023481 2.3882763
    1.5292001 3.1379611 1.5162798 2.4996707 4.362247 3.1643825 2.902113
    1.5552855 3.569274 3.6554635 3.8193665 3.2386634 5.418084 1.488541
    4.5816646 4.1958213 2.411787 2.6187074 3.1729605 2.959683 2.3334894
    5.325289 3.2408857 4.67207 3.0460484 6.0358443 6.879726 3.3280933 5.5901675
    1.8741251 3.5842674 4.855096 6.005389 1.7205821 3.8116035 3.439082 5.024595
    2.205073 4.140361 1.8645307 2.511795 5.744685 2.0451677 2.311025 6.787981
    6.533982 3.840785 2.2128632 6.444055 2.7525501 8.19589 7.3742037 2.5753407
    8.9812355 3.0030684 5.501138 6.7223954 4.8878922 3.2250557 2.3134975
    8.762646 3.072827 7.0158014 7.426256 5.388799 10.0 7.367759 7.078608
    8.373905 9.210589 7.072851 2.7709346 7.233898)

;; Using both a new maximum and new minimum value
(let ((ppcn (make-popcorn '(0.01 0.02) :min-spike 3.0 :max-spike 5.0)))
  (scale ppcn 8.0 5.0))

=> (5.0 5.031736 5.018497 5.017164 5.0183487 5.021274 5.0313935 5.024911
    5.02102 5.0307293 5.0249734 5.030217 5.023649 5.0244017 5.024077 5.027402
    5.0259476 5.0267677 5.0266905 5.026489 5.0243635 5.025302 5.025 5.026827
    5.024325 5.02963 5.02639 5.029601 5.187107 5.0346637 5.1603675 5.177201
    5.041747 5.0779767 5.1244864 5.083996 5.079162 5.179528 5.0662017 5.15569
    5.119997 5.140197 5.08659 5.103155 5.0734825 5.161587 5.1753554 5.0919304
    5.1596823 5.1549683 5.1375275 5.1679344 5.1805143 5.1589727 5.123403
    5.107892 5.134093 5.1509075 5.132244 5.1531157 5.108169 5.1581144 5.127562
    5.125285 5.091505 5.3614798 5.292433 5.146382 5.176299 5.317321 5.1158543
    5.262322 5.3407764 5.2639084 5.2494392 5.3563027 5.277631 5.356573 5.215038
    5.1805325 5.119757 5.1389523 5.123566 5.153178 5.1680784 5.1872272 5.333844
    5.3161135 5.2958627 5.2582746 5.277762 5.2154465 5.304549 5.165927
    5.1745257 5.340159 5.3566494 5.2053585 5.238169 5.3552446 5.2141376
    5.2151394 5.696703 5.323113 5.2542577 5.2507634 5.554174 5.1605134 5.64851
    5.571157 5.300126 5.4663777 5.465809 5.5613008 5.5584745 5.601473 5.533116
    5.259057 5.4692693 5.191887 5.3029995 5.2640176 5.3741655 5.4060826
    5.477047 5.2225523 5.5151243 5.991662 6.110096 5.658579 5.4510508 5.9171157
    5.4391646 5.3115215 5.355137 5.9140825 5.8410854 5.978423 5.7240553
    6.066837 5.682308 5.369207 5.610001 6.3716345 5.8824477 5.2689857 5.6956854
    5.2987404 6.303272 6.310141 5.3835526 5.5856066 5.73166 6.3177233 6.338069
    6.1135464 5.524024 6.001912 6.199524 6.042993 5.9497175 5.5613356 5.9764204
    6.3448453 5.9956408 5.8063297 5.691648 5.832248 6.138953 6.075074 5.619314
    5.916352 6.1867914 5.6011443 5.836355 6.0428734 5.5848727 5.891459
    6.1381297 5.8328743 5.6907043 5.716483 5.4587603 5.9413886 5.454884
    5.7499013 6.3086743 5.9493146 5.870634 5.4665856 6.070782 6.096639 6.14581
    5.971599 6.6254253 5.4465623 6.3744993 6.258746 5.723536 5.785612 5.951888
    5.887905 5.700047 6.5975866 5.9722657 6.401621 5.9138145 6.8107533 7.063918
    5.998428 6.6770506 5.5622377 6.07528 6.4565287 6.8016167 5.516175 6.1434813
    6.0317245 6.5073786 5.661522 6.2421083 5.559359 5.7535386 6.723406 5.61355
    5.6933074 7.0363946 6.9601946 6.1522355 5.663859 6.9332166 5.825765
    7.4587674 7.212261 5.772602 7.694371 5.9009204 6.6503415 7.016719 6.4663677
    5.967517 5.6940494 7.6287937 5.9218483 7.1047406 7.227877 6.61664 8.0
    7.210328 7.123583 7.5121717 7.763177 7.1218557 5.8312807 7.17017)


(defmethod scale ((pc popcorn) max &optional (min 0.0) ignore1 ignore2)